Help with buying the video packages
This page exists to make it easy for you to understand how to access my exercise video packages which are hosted on the Vimeo platform.
These exercise videos are for you to use with your children or on your own. I suggest that you browse the packages here on my website - you can access them all from my main video page and I often publish discount codes offering a reduced price.
Alternatively you can also look at all the packages on the Vimeo platform. All video packages are available in both English and the Hungarian language, so take care to pick the correct ones.
Exercise packages are priced in US Dollars, British Pounds, Euros, Canadian Dollars, or Australian Dollars, depending on the country where you live.
How to rent an exercise package
If you start from a package page on this website, you can see a trailer video where there are two options. If you want to rent the exercises immediately, just click on the "Rent all" button.

Or you can click on the "Vimeo" button. This will open the Vimeo website where you can see more information about the package.

On the Vimeo page you can rent the video package using the "Rent all" button.

When you rent an exercise package, you get unlimited personal access to watch the videos on the Vimeo platform for 1 year.
To rent a video package, you need to create a login on Vimeo and pay using your bank card or PayPal. Below, I show you how to do that.
First you have to create a login. Enter your name, email address and a new password for you to access Vimeo.
Then click on "Join with email". Alternatively you can join using your Facebook or Google login.

Next, enter your bank card details. Or if you are a PayPal user you pay that way.

On my website you will often be able to find a discount code, which you should use when paying. If you have a discount code, click on the "Apply promo code" button on the payment details screen.

Type in the discount code and click the "Apply" button.

If the discount code is valid, you will see the price reduce. If the discount code is out-of-date, you will get an error. You should look on my website to see if there is a newer discount code.
Finally, click on the "Rent" button.

Once the payment is successfully confirmed, you are now able to watch the full package of exercise videos any time you want. Remember, when you buy an exercise package, you get unlimited personal access to view this video on the Vimeo platform for 1 year. For your security, never share your Vimeo login details with anyone else. It is not permitted or possible to download the videos.

When you want to watch your purchased videos again, you can always access them by clicking on this link:
If you encounter problems with payment or watching the exercise videos, always contact the Vimeo customer support service at If you have questions regarding the content of the videos, send them to questions.drsarlos @ (English language only).
You carry out these exercises at your own risk. Always consult your child’s or your doctor if the child/you have any condition that may conflict with the performance of the exercises (including but not limited to stroke, cancer, epilepsy, shunt, and orthopedic disorders).